In our world today, information is currency. Our thoughts and words create profit beyond what the dollar can afford us as a culture. How you create value with words for your community takes time, commitment, and sacrifice. Only then will your words lead to real profit. Information is currency. The right information will lead to the right profit. The idea of productivity has some different perceptions. Productivity leads to profit. Some of you might associate the word with the attributes I just listed like: time, sacrifice, and commitment. While those words do get your foot in the door, they don’t secure the results you need. The true outcome occurs when the application and execution resulting from the application of those words is put to the test. How many of you can say that you’re executing with quality copy for your community to digest? That’s right! I’m talking to you.
Applying knowledge to add value to your words on a consistent basis is what leads to practice. Your practice is a form of application that leads to more time for your ideal client or customer to process information. This means your getting more attention from your community. When you are writing or speaking, your thoughts can move so fast. It can be hard for your community to keep up if you’re not focused or disciplined to give them time to digest your elevator pitch. Keep the main goal in mind as you write and speak. Better yet, hire me to do the heavy lifting for you. Stop, let your community digest your unclear thoughts. Get clear on your words! Rome wasn’t built in one day! I’ve learned my fair share of lessons from scattering myself too thin with words. This is why my brand, the ItzProgressJ brand represents, “less words for more impact.
Studies show that attention is decreasing as technology increases. You have a whopping 8 seconds or less to command attention, respect, and trust on social media platforms. Words create a form of digital currency. News flash! Technology will continue to decrease the way in which we pay attention. Let your words generate passive streams of income for you! How ironic is it that we, “pay attention!” Keyword being, “pay.” Your community will pay attention for the value you are adding to their life when you start choosing the right words!
Alright, how do we keep up with the spread of information in and around our digital communities? It’s a simple solution that is easy and fun to grasp once you start to acknowledge the potential of micro content. You have the power to reach the masses with simple, clean content that is clear with your message.
Short, powerful bit-sized information that gets you directly to the point with no time wasted. Then, you can start solving all the problems and concerns. As a result, you will start to drive home information to get to the ultimate goal, a result. There are 26 days left in 2020. All your dreams and aspirations should now be turning into plans. I say 26 days because on the 27th day, you should be applying pressure as you execute your plan with full force. For example, technically if I counted today, there would be 27 days left in 2020. My goal is to accomplish 2 results per day to get 32 things completed by the start of 2021. To do this, I’ll focus on 2 goals a day that enable me to stay consistent and focused while remaining disciplined. That’s micro goals as a result of progress!
These last days will show me how many people are committed, dedicated, and willing to sacrifice. Do you want a average or phenomenal life? There aren’t a lot of people who will be working through the holidays but guess what, I will! I’ve joined an accountability group, launched 2 new podcasts, and started finalizing my graduate study research on micro content. I intend to accomplish my goals by spreading information with my words on a consistent basis. They say information is currency. How much information do you have in your bank account? I’m about to cash out in 2021!