Have you ever struggled writing blogs or professional articles? Do you find it hard to gather your thoughts and write a complete draft in reasonable time? Well, I’ve got some great tips for you to utilize as a thought-leader in your industry. If you’re interested in elevating your words with purpose, passion, and a perspective for the world to feel, then read this blog. I’m going to give you three simple yet effective tips that will help you write blogs faster without losing your creative edge.
Alright, do you have you paper and pen ready to take notes? This will be a quick read that will change your life. No matter what you think about your writing skills, you have the power to control your words.
First, write 4-5 sentences with one keyword in mind. Select one word to highlight throughout the whole paragraph. Each thought in every sentence should reflect that one word. Make sure your reader can follow along with you as you write. Emphasize one word throughout the paragraph that makes the copy easy to follow. Create an experience that your reader wants to be a part of no matter what happens! Allow your reader to do less in order to follow your thoughts. As a result, they will understand you faster.
Next, focus on developing your thought with a direct intent. Think about your mission, vision, and intent as a blogger. What do you want to convey to your reader? How can your reader clearly understand what you intend to convey? Simple questions like these give you an idea of how to complete your thought as a blogger. It’s all about using less words for more impact.
You have to figure out what you intention is as a blogger. Are you looking to: persuade, inform, report, or entertain. Most bloggers just start writing without a plan. However, that’s what gets them in trouble. Moreover, it leads to writer’s block. As a blogger, you have to practice the art of composition daily. Keep your reader in mind. Your blog is for them to enjoy as they read. Avoid using complex words for simple thoughts. Each word, thought, and idea can contribute to a phenomenal blog. Be smart with the words you choose.